The School of 文科 & 科学

In the School of 文科 and 科学, we are dedicated to cultivating a vibrant and intellectually stimulating academic environment that fosters creativity, 批判性思维, and a deep appreciation for the pursuit of knowledge. We offer nearly 30 degrees in the arts or sciences from English and Psychology to Chemistry and Politics. Our mission is to empower students to become well-rounded, 善解人意, and informed global citizens who are equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world.


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这是一个简单的问题, one posed by poet Walt Whitman in his American epic “Song of Myself,"然而, for such a small question, there are a number of different ways to answer. Whether the grass is a strange hieroglyphic whose message is yet to be to be deciphered, a botanical form of life photosynthesizing sunlight into energy, a representation of the inner life of the self, or a link to the whole of creation depends on your perspective, 你的气质, your orientation to the world, which might be creative, 哲学, 科学, 或精神, or you might inhabit multiple perspectives dancing between them over time. 

就像惠特曼的诗, the School of 文科 and 科学 at 大学交流 will provide you with a variety of perspectives, a variety of ways of knowing and thinking. Whether you choose to study biology, 历史, 文学, 哲学, 心理学, 拉美裔研究, or one of our other disciplines, it will provide you with distinctive and innovative educational experiences as you gain knowledge and develop skillsets to become an engaged, adaptable citizen in an ever-changing and increasingly interconnected world. Our programs will introduce you to different approaches to the questions confronting us in the increasingly complicated landscape of professional and personal opportunity that awaits you. 

Dr. 艾琳·邓普顿

Across the Converse School of 文科 and 科学, you’ll find energy and excitement. You’ll work closely with our dedicated and award-winning faculty who bring their scholarly accomplishments and enthusiasm into the classroom and beyond. Whether you hope to pursue internship opportunities, faculty-mentored, 独立研究, or you long to travel the world to destinations such as Ireland, 德国, 苏格兰, 或新西兰, the School of 文科 and 科学 faculty are excited to challenge and encourage you along your academic path. Whichever one you choose, you will enjoy small classes and personal relationships with Converse faculty and staff who will help you to unlock your potential. 

On behalf of my colleagues, I am excited to welcome you to our vibrant and supportive campus community. We can’t wait to help you achieve your goals, 拓展你的视野, and use your voice to make a difference in the community around you.

Dr. 艾琳·E. 邓普顿
Dean of the School of 文科 and 科学, Professor of English
